Workshop 4: The Absolute Beginner’s Guide to JUnit in the Classroom
Contact Information

Dr. Stephen Edwards, Dr. Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones

Stephen Edwards is the lead designer and project manager for Web-CAT—winner of the 2006 Premier Award, which recognizes high-quality, non-commercial courseware designed to enhance engineering education. He is also the author of LIFT, a library for writing JUnit-based tests for GUI applications, and a number of testing tools that make writing classroom-oriented software tests easier for students and for teachers.

Together with Manuel Pérez-Quiñones, Edwards has given several successful tutorials, workshops, and demonstrations on how to incorporate software testing into programming assignments. He has held workshops at SIGCSE, OOPSLA, and CCSC-E. Most recently, they presented a workshop at SIGCSE 2011 on testing GUI-based applications written using Java Swing or the ACM JTF library. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with all participants responding to the survey giving an overall rating of good or excellent, and with three quarters rating the workshop as excellent. 100% of evaluations agreed or strongly agreed regarding recommending “a workshop offered by these same presenters.” The previous version of their Web-CAT workshop at SIGCSE 2007 received 100% “strongly agree” ratings on whether participants would recommend it to colleagues.

Contact Information

Dr. Stephen Edwards
Department of Computer Science
Virginia Tech
Dr. Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones
Department of Computer Science
Virginia Tech